Finding Home in Ojochal, Costa Rica

May 13, 2023 in Real Estate in Costa Rica, Life in Costa Rica

We are so grateful to have found our home in Costa Rica and we are proud to share this gift location with all of our real estate clients.

As this year comes to a close, we are invited by tradition to recall what we are grateful for about our lives. It has been a challenging year for many if not most of us but there is at least one thing that our team at Osa Tropical Properties are thankful to have: a home in Ojochal. No matter how many places you may have visited or lived in the world, Ojochal moves people. It draws us in with its simple charm and spectacular beauty. Here, we are reduced to a more primal version of ourselves — one that appreciates nature and its many wonders with full attention.

A place of tranquility

Many of us grow tired over time of our daily routines. We get worn out by the pressures of sticking to deadlines and keeping up with the Joneses. Seeking out the latest gadgets and competing with our friends for who has the best quality of life stops feeling so important after a year where the safety of our health and happiness have been called into question all at once. More people are feeling the call to find a different way to live. Some of us are lucky enough to know that it’s out there. Others have yet to find it. But those who feel adventurous enough to begin their quest, it is from this place of wanting “something more” that we begin our travels to find the place that feels like home. Costa Rica’s natural wonders and rich culture make this nation a dream destination on more than a few bucket lists. Our Southern Zone home, Ojochal, is still fairly low on the global radar even though most people who do make it here will instantly fall in love. Those who visit our small coastal region called the Costa Ballena ⁠— where the mountains meet the sea ⁠— become enamored by the spirit of this land and community. The warm climate is matched equally with the warmth of the people who inhabit this fertile and dynamic landscape. Here, you will find small yet flourishing communities amid true, natural beauty, which altogether encompass the best qualities of life in the tropics.

Living the scenic lifestyle

Those who find us after searching all over the world know that there is no place like Ojochal. This is a tranquil, serene culture and the home of pura vida. The essence of this phrase is embodied in the gentle flow of this small, conscious and connected population who collectively value the environment that we feel so blessed to live within. It doesn’t matter how long it took us to get here. We feel privileged to live near pristine mountain rivers, waterfalls and the enchanting displays of wildlife that keep us living in the here and now. It is a simple yet fulfilling indulgence to walk the grounds of our green properties, taking in the gentle and beautiful routines of the nature that surrounds us. Fantastic flowers and their intoxicating smells are only some of the many wonders that Ojochal exhibits. In the thick, green carpet covering the foothills of this mountainous region are paths that will take you to secluded waterfalls that look like they’ve never been seen by anyone else before. Or a breathtaking lookout spot high above the jungle valley, looking down at the vivid display of nature's wonders. Birds of multi-colored plumage and monkey troupes with howls as loud as jet engines parade across the jungle’s canopy. We have almost every luxury here ⁠— stores, spas, clinics, first-class restaurants, high-speed internet. But spending time in the lush nature at our doorsteps is a daily reminder to breathe the fresh air deeply in gratitude.

A one-of-a-kind community in Ojochal

This area has a history of purposeful development that was slow enough to grow and maintain a strong focus on environmental ethics. It hasn’t always been perfect but today Ojochal is a Blue Flag community with goals for continued improvement to the health of our environment. We work collectively to ensure the maintenance of our roads, schools and services. And we have recently grown an exciting number of new businesses that serve the whole of our international population. We are proud of every accomplishment that we make and we celebrate our successes together. After spending enough time living here, we tend to fall deeply in love with our home in Ojochal for its exceptional community. What we really do best is support one another in our ideas to benefit our home as a whole and our attempts to bring these ideas to fruition. There are a number of groups and forums that help us stay connected to our local community. We easily learn about the many classes, get togethers and volunteer opportunities that occur regularly. Each of us came here to live a better life and we know that teamwork makes the dream work. [gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="41710,41709"] Two recent community initiatives that are bringing vast improvements to our collective lifestyle: the newly paved road through Ojochal (left) and the children’s playground in the village center (right). If Ojochal sounds like it might be your dream destination in the future, we invite you to get in touch with our office. We are a local and independent real estate office that has been operating in Ojochal, Costa Rica and the whole of the Costa Ballena since 2005. Our agents are happy to answer any questions you have about our local region and what it’s like to live here. Our website is also filled with helpful articles to get you started on your journey to Costa Rica. Sign up to our newsletter below for weekly market updates, showing you what’s happening in our area from local experts. Talk to you soon! 

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