New International Airport in Costa Rica for the next years

May 11, 2023 in Life in Costa Rica

Costa Rica's approach a new international airport is being fast forwarded by a steady boost in tourism and economic development. Recent news has reported that the new international airport, to be built in Orotina, can be as much as seven years ahead of schedule with construction beginning in 2018 instead of 2025, as originally planned.

The diversity of natural attractions; volcanoes, pristine beaches, mountains, rain forests, cloud forests, birds and other wildlife; make Costa Rican an ideal vacation destination for a variety of interests. Investors are finding Costa Rica equally as attractive for efficient productivity from a well educated workforce.

The new airport is being tagged as a "Central American Mega Worldport", providing a key connecting point between Latin America and the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. The plans show an airport that will be twice the size of the current Juan Sanatamaria International Airport in San Jose. There will be additional runway space and it will accommodate larger airplanes including 777s, 787 Dreamliners, 747-800s, and larger Airbuses.

A key factor for the southern zone of Costa Rica is that the location of the new airport in Orotina greatly improves access to the Pacific Coast as well as many other parts of the country. Ease of international access is expected to boost both tourism and offshore economic development. A variety of factors indicate that it will also be the trigger for the next big real estate boom.

When the airport in Liberia, Guanacaste expanded to accommodate international flights in 2002, the area experienced the largest boom in real estate, tourism, land development and infrastructure ever seen in the history of Central America. One business source has stated that the improved access created with the new Orotina airport will make Costa Rica land development and real estate the hottest commodity in all of Central and Latin America.

In keeping with a reputation for being an environmentally responsible country, the Juan Sanatamaria International Airport will be re-purposed as a regional airport for flights within Central America as well as service charters and executive aircraft. This is another important step in continuing to build an infrastructure for ease of access to Costa Rica from all points of the globe.

If this has piqued you interest, the professional team at Luxury Property Costa Rica can help you explore the various real estate opportunities in Costa Rica.


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